As a Barack supporter, I have seen (and been sent) the above video multiple times. Now that the international media has picked up on it, though, I thought it apropos to post here.
I remember the post-New Hampshire speech having a similar effect on me. I know that all the cynics would love to paint Barack with the simple stroke of orator. As a supporter, though, I happen to believe the words (especially his words) are a precursor to great change for our country.
Barack has history on his side. This country (and in fact, this world) was built by leaders that used the power of the pen and mouth to inspire movements, revolutions, and effectuate change. I don't need to, but I will, mention speeches by such visionaries as Lincoln, Kennedy, and King. To trivialize what Obama speaks as mere words is to trivialize the history of this nation. All great change is effectuated by a vision, and in between vision and execution are words.
Yes, I do love it myself. Very inspiring.
Posted by: Ankur Roy | February 12, 2008 at 06:18 PM
This is brilliant ! There's no other way to describe it!
Posted by: Your#1Fan | February 11, 2008 at 04:15 PM