Interesting Reuters article on the field of "honey trapping":
Martinez is a "honey trapper" -- or as he likes to call himself, an "integrity tester" -- one of a growing team of private detectives who are hired by wives, husbands or partners to test the loyalty of their loved ones.
The private detective agencies are hired when a spouse or significant other suspects a partner of cheating. The idea is to use "honey trappers" to test the person and see if he/she will succumb to temptation. But, there is etiquette even within the "honey trapping" industry:
And Martinez has "rules of engagement": The target must not be drunk, there must be no touching, and the relative attractiveness of the trapper to the target must be equal.
"It's got to be a fair test," he explains. "So we make sure that we don't set a very attractive honey trapper on a not so attractive target, and vice versa."
Even if your "honey" turns out to be loyal, it would be a concern that you are having to secretly check on your significant other.
Posted by: Your#1Fan | February 26, 2008 at 04:28 PM